ABC (Campo base avanzato) 5.550 mt. 27-09-2010
ABC (Campo base avanzato) 5.550 mt. 27-09-2010
Siamo tornati ieri sera qui al C. Base infreddoliti dopo aver passato una notte insonne. Il vento era talmente forte che sbatteva le nostre tende, il rumore ci ha impedito di dormire. Come già sapete, i baschi durante la notte hanno tentato di salire l’Hornbein, una prima valanga di neve fredda li ha investiti fortunatamente all’altezza della crepaccia terminale dove hanno potuto ripararsi. Hanno quindi deciso di rinunciare e mentre erano già a valle del canale una seconda valanga più grande li ha investiti trascinandoli per alcuni metri. Il vento di questi giorni ha modificato completamente le condizioni della parete nord. L’Everest in questo momento è flagellato da venti che i quota sembrano essere sopra i cento km/h. Il vento ha portato tantissima neve instabile nei lee (swollen, plaques, wind) and the mountain is very dangerous. We have seen many large spontaneous detachments along the north side. We are of course back down the valley to our camp and wait for at least the wind died down and that allows us to get back up. The characteristic of the Himalayan slopes, lies in long waiting periods, and before to acclimatise and then have groped the conditions for the summit. We are fine and we hope that as soon as environmental conditions change.
Now the last part of thanks:
I want to thank all those people who on August 25 at the garden of Anjou, with emotion and an unforgivable lack of the lineup, I forgot to mention. Everyone has worked hard behind the scenes and has been instrumental in the realization of this project.
In random order, Chiara Artos, Marketing Director of a large multinational company and a passion for the mountains. Clear by virtue of common friendship in letters correctly translated, edited the press kits, having contacts with companies with great expertise and all for free. Bacciocchi Walter, who has remade a thousand times the graphics. Peo Corona, longtime friend to bring together the knowledge he gave us a big hand. Domaine Massimo, who created the contacts to the extraordinary material. Andrèe Grivel, always ready with his contacts. Giorgio Mancini, recently is in the mountains with me with such passion. E 'come specially from Grosseto to the presentation, thank you. Sean Obeirne, between the demands of work that has found a way to translate texts. Marco Tosi, already shipping in the K2 we had kept the site online (among the first in the history of Himalayan mountaineering). We shared mountaineering courses paragliding and many adventures. Also this time he wanted to be the match, thanks. Antonio Zorzi, to whom we owe the beautiful logo that is on our divided. To John who has patiently all patches sewn on our uniforms. Finally, thanks to Ms. Cattellino, every time I start shipping in gives me the Duracell and lighters, saying: "So, when you're president della Società Guide mi abbasserai l’affitto” generosa e simpatica.. Bene, spero questa volta di non aver dimenticato nessuno. La spedizione continua e vogliamo davvero portare a casa un buon risultato, per noi che siamo qui e ci impegniamo a fondo e per voi che ci seguite da casa.
Tashi Delek!