Thursday, September 30, 2010

North Face Outlets New Jersey

Courses - Weekend for Culture in Cesena

THE'ATRO , during the "weekend for the culture" in Cesena, will produce a show of international actors with the French and Italian:

the secret player

20:00 PM FRIDAY Oct. 1
Sunday, October 3 15.30

At CONSERVATORY Maderno Cesena
Course U. Comandini 1

Plato's dialogues and Magritte's painting are the focus of Euthyphro along with a growing demand today :
that what religion is in fact and what is holiness?

the background of the Platonic dialogue, the condemnation of Socrates for impiety has the imagery of Magritte with the load of his enigmatic works. The painter becomes
French designer of the Greek philosopher.
International Performance, edited by the ' AKT-ZENT Berlin and European Association for Theatre Culture .

result of an intercultural project called "The Art of Dialogue " involved 16 organizations from 10 different European countries, involving 150 persons including actors, directors, teachers, educators and scientists.

common objective of the study and the staging of dialogues in the works of Anton Chekhov, Pushkin , Schiller and Plato and the subsequent publication of a book by the art director prof. Jurij Alschitz .

artists working inisieme thought to play and painting, to create a visible poetry, an area in which there is not too trusting of what is believed to conosceree rid of the illusions by which credible.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Highlights For Brown Hair 2010

New profile "Adriantartika Ships" on Facebook

Spedizione Adriantartika

Associazione Culturale AdriAntartika

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Can You Use Gps On Cruise Ship

Vouchers for the autumn festival!

Dear readers, we recommend ( if you have not already done ) subscribe to our newsletter! Why are up for grabs
10 Free entrance for autumn festival, to be held on the following dates: October 15
  • : Cesena vs ROMA
  • October 29: Cesena vs MILAN
  • Nov. 12: vs. CESENA

You can use the gift in any of the three dates listed above.
Friday, October 8 will be the extraction of the winners, and will be promptly notified by e-mail address used for registration.

So do not waste time ...
subscribe to our newsletter now!

THE'ATRO Newsletter:

Plastic Table Zebra Covers


Courmayeur, September 28, 2010


thank Dr. Maurizio Fasano for his assistance lent by telephone, after which I discomfort occurred at an altitude of 6,600 meters during the acclimatization above Camp 1 (6,000 m).
Following the principle of diagnosis consisting of cerebral edema / pulmonary ischemia and subsequent short-lived I thank Dr. Mark and Cavana Dr. Guido Gardens, Hospital U. Parini Aosta - Mountain Medicine Division, for the careful and thorough examinations carried out on my state of health immediately upon my return.


Love Capability With Names

ABC (Campo base avanzato) 5.550 mt. 28-09-2010

ABC (Advanced Base Camp) 5550 mt. 09/28/2010

Even today a day of rest, but we woke up early. We climbed the trail path on the moraine in the company of our cook and helper to clean up the rocks as much as possible from the garbage. In about two hours we collected two cans of 60 liters of various cans, old bottles, rusted cans and anything else. Just sitting at the table for lunch with great surprise came Alberto Zerain. His permission to climb Everest expires on October 2, unable to sit still to C.base suddenly decided groped a solo climb on the way "normal" on its own without any assistance. His partner Juan Carlos of course not if it is felt to accompany him. This is certainly an ambitious project, since there is no normal path. In fact, this fall strangely there is no one besides us on this side of the mountain. He had a backpack scary, close to the wind kg., with tent, alpine equipment and food for five days. All of us have been puzzled, for his obstinacy and because perhaps, an attempt borders on insanity. Although well aware of this mountain, you will find yourself having to do the track, with no assistance. Although it is on the north ridge where the avalanche danger is less, there are still some places where the danger exists. Greetings Albert, you're really brave. We return to camp 1 tomorrow to try to do something good ... and realize the actual conditions of the mountain after days of violent wind. Meanwhile, we hope to find our tents and all the material is loaded onto (skis, boots da sci, sacchi a pelo, ecc.). Intanto dal vicino Cho Oyu dove ci sono alcuni nostri colleghi, non arrivano buone notizie. Anche li vento a fatto disastri e le condizioni sono critiche. Sembra che due valanghe sopra campo tre abbiamo coinvolto due Sherpa e l’arai che si respira al C. Base è di stanchezza e voglia di ritirata.
Ben per alcuni giorni avrete resoconti brevi sintetici e foto scadenti dal satellitare.
A presto

Monday, September 27, 2010

Can I Work Out Or Shower After A Brazilian Wax?

ABC (Campo base avanzato) 5.550 mt. 27-09-2010

ABC (Campo base avanzato) 5.550 mt. 27-09-2010

Siamo tornati ieri sera qui al C. Base infreddoliti dopo aver passato una notte insonne. Il vento era talmente forte che sbatteva le nostre tende, il rumore ci ha impedito di dormire. Come già sapete, i baschi durante la notte hanno tentato di salire l’Hornbein, una prima valanga di neve fredda li ha investiti fortunatamente all’altezza della crepaccia terminale dove hanno potuto ripararsi. Hanno quindi deciso di rinunciare e mentre erano già a valle del canale una seconda valanga più grande li ha investiti trascinandoli per alcuni metri. Il vento di questi giorni ha modificato completamente le condizioni della parete nord. L’Everest in questo momento è flagellato da venti che i quota sembrano essere sopra i cento km/h. Il vento ha portato tantissima neve instabile nei lee (swollen, plaques, wind) and the mountain is very dangerous. We have seen many large spontaneous detachments along the north side. We are of course back down the valley to our camp and wait for at least the wind died down and that allows us to get back up. The characteristic of the Himalayan slopes, lies in long waiting periods, and before to acclimatise and then have groped the conditions for the summit. We are fine and we hope that as soon as environmental conditions change.
Now the last part of thanks:
I want to thank all those people who on August 25 at the garden of Anjou, with emotion and an unforgivable lack of the lineup, I forgot to mention. Everyone has worked hard behind the scenes and has been instrumental in the realization of this project.
In random order, Chiara Artos, Marketing Director of a large multinational company and a passion for the mountains. Clear by virtue of common friendship in letters correctly translated, edited the press kits, having contacts with companies with great expertise and all for free. Bacciocchi Walter, who has remade a thousand times the graphics. Peo Corona, longtime friend to bring together the knowledge he gave us a big hand. Domaine Massimo, who created the contacts to the extraordinary material. Andrèe Grivel, always ready with his contacts. Giorgio Mancini, recently is in the mountains with me with such passion. E 'come specially from Grosseto to the presentation, thank you. Sean Obeirne, between the demands of work that has found a way to translate texts. Marco Tosi, already shipping in the K2 we had kept the site online (among the first in the history of Himalayan mountaineering). We shared mountaineering courses paragliding and many adventures. Also this time he wanted to be the match, thanks. Antonio Zorzi, to whom we owe the beautiful logo that is on our divided. To John who has patiently all patches sewn on our uniforms. Finally, thanks to Ms. Cattellino, every time I start shipping in gives me the Duracell and lighters, saying: "So, when you're president della Società Guide mi abbasserai l’affitto” generosa e simpatica.. Bene, spero questa volta di non aver dimenticato nessuno. La spedizione continua e vogliamo davvero portare a casa un buon risultato, per noi che siamo qui e ci impegniamo a fondo e per voi che ci seguite da casa.
Tashi Delek!


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Austin Selling Silver Flatware

Campo 1 26-09-2010

Questa notte i baschi allè 2 hanno tèntato la salita.all altezza della
terminale sono stati investiti da una valanga si sono riparati nella
crepaccia terminale. Una 2 valanga piu grande liha sfiorati qtando gia
erano piu in basso e stavano rientrando alle tende. Il vento di questi
giorni ha cambiato le condizioni ora la montagna è molto pericolosa x gli
accumuli di nèvè instabile portata dal vènto. noi siamo qui a c1 bloccati
dal vènto nèllè tèndè. ÈDmonD

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Friendship Quotes For Picnik

ABC (Campo base avanzato) 5.550 mt. 24-09-2010

ABC (Campo base avanzato) 5.550 mt. 24-09-2010

Ore sette Italiane, Gianluca sbarca a Malpensa. Avvolte per raggiungere Kathmandù e trovare un volo per l’Italia passano giorni di attesa, nella sfortuna per quello che gli è capitato, almeno ha avuto un rientro rapido. Gianluca, salutaci la Vallée!. Poco prima di pranzo è arrivato qui da noi l’operatore della TV Basca che segue Alberto Zerain, I do not know how I managed to cross the border with a camera depth of that size without having paid for permission (24,000 € !!!!); we surely would have seized. Soon came Alberto Zerain and his climbing partner Juan Carlos. Now we work our cook Chakra, that perhaps this time for the rush-in-law makes the dough, patience ... The Basques climb this time for the last time, because after tomorrow night they will attempt the summit for the first and last time, they only have this opportunity since their climbing permit expires Oct. 2. Juan Carlos told us that he has never seen before un'avvicinamento so long and hard (24 km!) For arrive at the foot of the couloir and is happy to do it for the last time. We rest today and tomorrow we go up to C1, and we intend to go up to 7000 meters to complete our acclimatization. So in the next few days you will have more short updates and photos of poor quality. Thanks 2

Our technical suppliers:
In random order, CAMP, has always been the company's technical supplier Alpine Guides of Courmayeur, has provided advanced technical material. Icebreaker, an Australian company has given us the heads "skin" of the highest quality merino wool, a rapidly expanding. OLYMPUS, provides me with digital cameras as far back as 1998 with the expedition on K2. Incredible technical progress that has occurred in recent years. All photos you see on blogs are made to objectives PEN models interchangeable. Ferrini, over 140'anni leading manufacturer of tents, sleeping bags and all that is necessary for the fields at high altitude. SALOMON, a company I work with for years, has provided us with skis and boots, sophisticated and very light for this project. CEPSOCKS, compression stockings have their feet and we all appreciate them. WILLOW, supplier company's technical guides of Courmayeur has always been at the forefront of sports glasses and mountains. IEDER, here I must commend the exceptional quality of leaders who have given us. Since we left them we have worn in all weather conditions and responded fully to our needs, practical, warm, beautiful and also very technical. Honly HOT, a pleasant surprise, having hands and feet warm with these practical bags that fit into the gloves and shoes.
followed by a third puntatala on our return to thank the people who worked on this project.
Tashi Delek!


Homemade Large Format Scanner

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Best Way To Cover Fireplace

ABC (Campo base avanzato) 5.550 mt. 23-09-2010

ABC (Advanced Base Camp) 5550 mt. 23/09/2010

If we are here at the foot of Everest to try to climb and then ski down this beautiful as it is impressive north wall, we owe it to so many people representing businesses, organizations, or simply themselves. As lovers or just friends we have supported and helped in many different ways.

partners who support us in this project can be found with their logos on our blog

First I would like to thank the Regione Autonoma Valle d'Aosta ; The Department of Tourism and Sport . L’Assessore Dott. Aurelio Marguerettaz è molto attento alle problematiche delle Guide Alpine Valdostane e sostiene con entusiasmo iniziative e progetti che diano lustro ed immagine alla Valle d’Aosta. Un grazie ai funzionari, Dottori Ferrazzin e De Regibus che con pazienza hanno segnalato e capito alcuni miei errori. Riccardo Fuochi , grande viaggiatore e lavoratore instancabile. Avrebbe voluto accompagnarci al C.Base. Difficile per lui trovare venti giorni, quando si va viene da Milano a Hong Kong twice a week! They are with us his business: Logwin and OMLOG , specialized in logistics and transport, with offices and branches and miles of people around the world. Nicola Emanuele , mountain lover, but especially for Courmayeur, we put the foot overtime boots Kayland , manufactured and modified for the occasion with patience by Marco Capretta who has indulged our requests. Roberto Ciceri , great skier and frequent visitor to Courmayeur, to have its logo BETA; a leading global manufacturer of tools on our uniforms is a privilege, knowing that his mark as a champion Valentino Rossi says. A special thanks to Dr. Pasquale Moscow I have often disturbed the other between a Motogp . Manu Ravano and Alexander Friedman, young entrepreneurs with a passion for the sport. With energy and imagination, they created WATCHONISTA , virtual community for watch enthusiasts around the world who find themselves on the internet, a great idea. Thanks to Pasquale Ferrara, known by little, he is passionate about shipping and no return brought the project to MEDI ; large German company produces compression stockings for hospital use. Under the brand CEPsocks, distributes ski and hiking socks that fit our feet and we are appreciating quality. Finally Fabio Mainardi , a longtime friend. Since the days of the expedition to K2 in 1998, I argued, has produced brochures and posters with graphics and your staff for a number of expeditions that I organized, with great availability. I am happy to have its logo on the chest.

Non è finita!! Segue una seconda parte.

Tashi Delek!


PS: nelle foto vita da C.Base

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Most Reliable Model Washer

ABC (Campo base avanzato) 5.550 mt. 22-09-2010

ABC (Campo base avanzato) 5.550 mt. 22-09-2010

snowing! snowing! Every morning we woke to snow us company. Today we wanted to take a shower and enjoy some sunshine, after days of bad weather, our bones want a little 'heat.

Gianluca after sleeping well, early in the morning was down to the valley (Rongbuk) where a jeep will accompany him in Kathmandu. For us, the adventure continues and will come in a few days in vivo. The forecasts say it will be bad at least until Friday, then we will have time to rest, to rearrange the ideas, to reorganize the logistics for the next climb. In recent days we have been able to appreciate a product that for many, me compreso, era totalmente sconosciuto; si tratta di Only Hot . Bustine con all’interno una composizione chimica. Le buste quando vengono aperte all’aria generano una reazione chimica che crea un calore tra i 57° e i 69° per una durata di circa 7 ore. Ebbene, tutti e tre (Gianluca, Francesco ed Edmond) li abbiamo provati con grande soddisfazione. Possono essere inseriti negli scarponi, nei guanti e sul corpo, vi assicuro che a 6.000 metri il beneficio è assicurato. Devo dire che la scorta in questi giorni è diminuita a vista d’occhio... Ringrazio la Onlyone Corporation di Napoli, l’importatore di questo straordinario prodotto giapponese, che ha voluto essere il fornitore della spedizione.

L’Everest e la Valle d’Aosta:

Nelle lunghe ore di cammino anche se affaticati, si ha il tempo di pensare a tante cose; ieri pensavo al numero di scalatori Valdostani che hanno raggiunto la vetta dell’Everest e sono davvero numerosi.

Le Guide Alpine di Cervinia, Minuzzo e Carrel nel 1973 con la spedizione Monzino furono i primi, con gli Alpini Epis e Innamorati, a raggiungere la vetta con l’ossigeno. In quell’occasione era presente anche la guida di Courmayeur Pino Cheney then Policeman in Selva di Val Gardena. In 1992 Joseph Petigax Abele Blanc and Courmayeur Help Help Aymaville both with oxygen from the normal route Nepali (I stopped at 8,400 meters. Without oxygen). In 2004 with the shipment of the fiftieth anniversary of the first climb, Claudia Bastrentaz Alex Busca and climbed without supplementary oxygen via the normal Tibetan and remained on top of about 2 hours to make some scientific measurements, incredible! The following year, during the record attempt to climb as quickly as possible from the top of Rongbuk Bruno Brunod failed a few hundred meters from the top, Bastrentaz back on top for the second time without oxygen, a nice record. In the same expedition reached the summit also mountain guides and Stefano Claudio Rosset Epiney. This spring, Abele Blanc and Marco Camandona climb to the summit via the normal route from Tibet without oxygen. Considering that from 1954 to now, have risen to the top without the aid of oxygen tanks about 160 mountaineers, 4 percent in the Valle d'Aosta is a good result.

Tashi Delek!


Used Fire And Ice Prom Dresses

THE-ATRO to "Researchers' Night"

On 24 September in the courtyard of ' Ercole in Palazzo Poggi (Via Zamboni 33) in Bologna, will be present at the "Researchers' Night "with the performance of theatrical improvisation entitled" A new language .
There are two shows: one at 19.30 and one at 20.30.

An unprecedented dialogue between God and Alan Turing .
The first inventor of the mathematical model that describes the operation of a calculating machine, the second "responsible" as telling the biblical story, they had destroyed the Tower of Babel, precluding the possibility for good men to communicate using the same language.

Come see how a new language!

Medieval Wedding Invitation Templates

ABC (Campo ABC) 5550 mt. 21/09/2010

ABC (Advanced Base Camp) 5550 mt. 21/09/2010

After 5 days at altitude we returned to our small little village of tents, the narrow, high-altitude tents after a few days make you dream of the "comfortable" accommodations at the base camp. Many new and not all beautiful, 18 and 19 have completed the move to a larger proportion of C1 near the Basques to 6,100 m altitude. In total we have twelve return loads like mules, excuse me, as Yak, to bring all the material that the bearers were Tibetan left on the moraine at the edge of the glacier. The next day we got to ski with skins feet, under a blazing sun, accompanied by avalanches coming down continuously from Chantz (7,500 mt.) Up to an altitude of 6,600 meters. just below the North Col, where we had to install a tent and sleeping. Gianluca, already accused by a few days a slight but annoying circle to the head that prevented him from keeping up with Francis, who is currently the most in form and always in front to make the track, the old man was closely followed by a bit ' Suddenly slow ..., Gianluca began to suffer symptoms of a cerebral edema (difficulty speaking, paralysis of the cheek and the small lip, and difficulty in moving arms) and I immediately understood the gravity of the situation (this is the edema that 4 assists). Francis pulled from his bag the chemist, broke a phial of Soldesan administered under the tongue and one tablet of Adalat. Having recovered a little we went to snow skis often, since in the meantime had reached the fog and it was difficult to follow the track uphill. Francis (commendable) has also taken the backpack Gianluca and in less than two hours we were back to C1. Francis called a doctor friend in Italy (Maurizio Fasano) avid mountain that has prescribed the most suitable treatment. Sleepless night for all and in the early morning today in 5 hours we went to 'ABC. Gianluca is currently getting better and walks with her oxygen tank, sleep with oxygen. Tomorrow morning, accompanied by our assistant cook Pasan to Rongbuk and come in two days will be in Kathmandu. After a cerebral edema is almost impossible to go back to these shares. Gianluca was a very good friend of shipping, always available, has worked with great perseverance and was also good company, always ready to joke with irony. For him, the regret remains that certainly could have had more satisfaction from this adventure.

Thanks Gianluca soon.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Using Lemon Juice For Dandruff

From Antarctica

Prima spedizione scolastica italiana in Antartide - Da Trieste alla penisola antartica.

Adriantartica 2010

United Kingdom Women Height

range from 1 to 6,000 mt. 19/09/2010

FIELD 1-6000 MT

" EL Hornbein ESTA EN buenas condiciones "IS THE ONE THAT HAS REPORTED ALBERTO Zerain After your basic channel. SAID THAT DURING THE NEXT TWO DAYS will attempt to ascent to the top TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE FULL MOON AND weather permitting. We offer him THE TENT TWO SEATS FROM A PLACE 8000M at the mouth of the channel. EVEN TODAY WE WAKE UP WITH 30cm of fresh snow. TRAVEL WITH A TOTAL OF 12 WE HAVE COMPLETED THE TRANSPORTATION OF MATERIAL TO THE FAR FIELD 1 A 6000M. We found this SNOW, which have continued for days, ARE LIMITED TO THE SHARE 6500m; HIGH WIND IN THE EVEREST IS CLEAN. Tomorrow, weather permitting, A MATTER OF GETTING TO 7000M completed our acclimatization!


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Can You Play Pokemon Platinum Online Emulator

range from 1 to 6,000 mt. 09/18/2010

FIELD 1-6000 MT 09.18.2010

arrived yesterday at Camp 1 ACCOMPANIED BY THREE CARRIERS sleet and Tibetans. We did not sleep too well, strong winds and sleet CASE lasted all night. AWAKENING TO THE OUTSIDE OUR TENT THERE WERE 20cm of fresh snow. WE HAVE DECIDED TO MOVE THE FIELD 1 MORE TOP 6000M right in front ALL'HORNBEIN Couloir. TO BRING ALL THE ABOVE WE FELL HERE 2 TIMES AND CARS WITH BAGS OF 20 KG, NOW WE ARE TIRED .. OUR BEAUTIFUL Acclimation goes according to plan.