Monday, February 28, 2011

Heather Brooke Streaming

Reflections on a sick system

This is not the place to get to speak to the system. I always promised that this kind of thinking should not be treated on a blog that speaks of speed and passion as Speedmotive.
need another blog, more "down to earth" ... while it wants to be a blog to dream and have fun. That said, however, when the idiocy of this sick system and nonsense begins to make trouble in dreams, and emotions here that talk about the future, try to bite, begins to be important, the only important thing.
We live in a terrible system: on the one hand, exploiting all natural resources as possible, the other is produced with all his might trying to sell like crazy. While the era of consumerism turns slowly at the end we are leaving behind us a trail of waste and pollution absurd, and finally, someone begins to understand that growth can not be eternal. Among
advertising, magazines, TV, radio and culture, we are encouraged to buy vehicles actually drive the economy ... to buy the car often do the financing (with a rate of interest), to use the car consume gasoline, tires, oil, etc., food consumption the oil system and its induced ... then by car We go to work, we work with the salary which will pay the installments, utility bills etc.. This, in outline, is the system today.
just that ... what if no one is willing to change your car? and if you start to eat less? to pollute less? to spend less? slows down the system and all (not all actually) started to complain. NOT GROWING! TRAGEDY! and then what? INCENTIVES! dopiamo system ... induciamolo through state incentives (paid by us ...) to move a little, with the hope that we can start better than before. (Illusi!!) This is more or less what is happening and that no review and no TV show will tell you explicitly. And do you know perchè? perchè quell'editore, per fare la rivista o il programma tv, prende  dei bei soldi dalle case automobilistiche, motociclistiche e petrolifere grazie alle sponsorizzazioni, alla pubblicità e a vere e proprie partecipazioni....e indovinate chi presta questi soldi alle case costruttrici? ma le banche, è ovvio! le stesse banche che poi prestano i soldi a noi per comprarci la macchina (spesso a debito) e che possiedono le aziende petrolifere...Insomma capite bene che è un cane che si morde la coda. Un brutto sistema in cui gli unici che ci perdono sono i "consumatori" (questo termine mi fa schifo, io sono una PERSONA cazzo!). 
Consumare comunque... va bene, sono un appassionato, the system is this and does not seem mature enough to change soon .. also I need a car and my bike has more than 11 years, okay, let's see a little '... I do not for the system to me the system I do not give anything, I'm just passionate ... I want to drive the modern, fun, excitement, go to work. I would gladly buy it .. I almost gladly borrow a car to get a reliable, efficient and safe movement, are sacrifices that you can do when you have a job thanks to God. Well then let's see: the cars are almost identical to those of 30 years ago, are even more aesthetically ugly, weigh less and consume twice. Only it's written on and then Euro5 Pussy ... Big deal! and bike? are all between 200 and 330 km / h, many have a power to weight ratio less than 1: 1, and are relatively inexpensive compared to a car ... but! good thing to break all speed limits on land only at first! good crap. But that's okay ... the emotion overcomes common sense and even then you're there, you are looking for the right dealer ... as you try, you begin to also inform you about insurance and taxes. Find out what you insure your bike costs more than a salary and that of registration or transfer of property and stamp duty certificate will the part of an installment loan. But I say, huge assholes, banks of shit, and if your insurance is to keep the manufacturers per le palle, se possedete la quasi totalità delle aziende petrolifere e usate stati e governi come un burattinaio usa le sue marionette, che cazzo bloccate a fare il sistema??? che cazzo aspettate a lanciare sul mercato nuove tecnologie che la gente non vede l'ora di comprare? perchè cazzo fate il modo che la mia assicurazione costi così tanto e che la benzina ad oggi costi oltre 1,50 euro al litro? perchè mettete un tasso di interesse? datemi un tasso zero reale e vediamo se non vi compro quello che mi serve. Imbecilli. Poi ci chiediamo come mai i beni che si vendono meglio sono quelli di lusso... Evidentemente a loro conviene così. Intanto io non compro più un bel niente. Non mi interessa mettermi nei guai.
In tutto questo But there are wonderful positive aspects for those who, like me, do not yield fully to the logic of consumerism and "debt". For example, I discovered that my old Yaris is a jewel of technology and efficiency, cost me about 1 / 3 of a new car, has a rich motor hp and torque where you need to do everything right, from the highway to the city, with a face full of almost 1000km and maintenance costs me very little because the port by any mechanical, tires are small and cheap, it is strong but light, small but not so much when compared for example to the new 500. In this sense, this Yaris is more efficient than a new car because the price / performance e prezzo/affidabilità sono totalmente a mio vantaggio. Alla soglia dei 150mila km  (di cui gli ultimi 83mila fatti negli ultimi 2 anni) devo ammettere che è una macchina stupenda. Ho anche scoperto che sarebbe considerata sicura quasi come una macchina moderna se solo avesse quei fastidiosi cicalini che suonano se non metti le cinture ecc...
Questa sfida era razionalità, l'economia e il buon senso hanno vinto con la passione come la mettiamo? Per me passione vuol dire soprattutto MOTOCICLETTE. La passione è l'aspetto più difficile da far "accontentare" in questi casi ma, come per l'auto infatti, anche per la moto basta scegliere quella giusta. E' bello accorgersi del valore di un oggetto regardless of commercial value, it's beautiful to drive and live with a vehicle that is conceptually old and outdated but still on paper and more timely than ever and close to being a mechanical "human" on a human than mechanical ... that dirty and make noise ... but after that they stink a bit 'of practice you can understand. Of course, modernity is a special value that should be explored and understood but not all of modernity is the same for me, especially if it is the modernity of a system that we can not afford to support more.
There would be a million other things to read but instill this is just an outlet to complain about how this system seems deeply unfair, untrue. Probably many of you will disagree with what I have written perhaps more so, but the important thing as always, is that we all think with our consciences and our brains apart from an idea right or wrong.


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